Every good thing must come to an end. Andrew Llyod Webber closed the AD Tour show (which ran for 5 years) so that he could go ahead with HIS Broadway production with Glenn Carter...which ran for less then a year. You get what you pay for, I guess. Ted Neely and Carl Anderson shine once again. Of course Ted Neely's voice is completly razzed out by now...but he still sounds great. He gives it his all in Gethsemane and he does a great job. He owns any other guy whose played Jesus in the show. Intresting fact: Michael Rapp did the orchestrations for this...Michael Rapp is also the composer for Rasputin, ( www.rasputinthemusical.com ) which also stars Mr. Neely. The late, great Carl Anderson does an amazing job too. He was made for the role of Judas. This is an great recording.